都市解析・空間情報科学 / Urban Analysis and Spatial Information Science
Urban analysis describes the complicated urban phenomena, reveals its underlying structure, which leads to the improvement of urban environment. Spatial information science is a discipline that develops the theory of acquiring, managing, visualizing, and analyzing spatial data, and applies the theory to spatial phenomena in the real world.
商業施設の立地傾向分析 / Location analysis of shops and restaurants
買い物行動の分析と買い物支援施策の立案 / Shopping behavior analysis and shopping support policy
小中学校の最適配置計画立案 / Locational optimization of elementary and junior high schools
観光地における移動パターンの分析 / Visit pattern analysis of tourists


住環境評価・不動産分析 / Assessment of living environment, Real estate analysis
We analyze the physical and social aspects of residential areas using a variety of approaches. In addition to the development of living environment evaluation methods, we are engaged in research that opens up new fields, such as experimental studies using wearable devices and theoretical/empirical analysis of the shape of building lots. We also analyze the determinants of land prices and housing rents to evaluate and make recommendations on housing policies.
歩行を促す住環境、犯罪の起こりにくい住環境 / Physical activity promotion and crime prevention through environmental design
住宅地の計画と管理運営、住意識 / Planning and management of residential areas, Attitudes toward living environments
不動産価格の時間変動、眺望とマンション価格 / Fluctuation of real estate prices, Views from and prices of apartments

都市のサステナビリティとウェルビーイング / Urban Sustainability and Wellbeing
To break new ground in advancing urban sustainability and wellbeing of people from all walks of life, our study targets range from urban structure, landscape, to management of food and agriculture-related space. Using both quantitative analyses based on methodologies of urban analysis and qualitative analyses based on surveys and interviews, we conduct studies to propose alternative approaches for making cities more sustainable and livable for all.
人口減少時代における都市施設の適正配置 / Effective arrangements of urban facilities for a depopulating society
用途地域と市街地現況 / Studies on zoning and current conditions of urban centers
地域の景観保護と高さ規制 / Local landscape protection and building height regulations
高齢化に伴う買い物弱者対策・居場所づくり / Measures against shopping refugees and impacts of place-making in an aging society
外国人や障がいのある人々を考慮した都市空間の包摂的利用と運営 / Inclusive use and management of urban space for foreigners and persons with disabilities

